Empowering Underground Laboratories Network Usage

Interreg Baltic Sea Region co-funded project Empowering Underground Laboratories network usage (EUL) continues the work done during the Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN) project.
Underground laboratories in the Baltic Sea region are not utilized to their full potential even though world-leading research organizations and industrial companies are nearby. In order to use the available underground space better, the BSUIN project has developed service concepts for the underground laboratories and an open-access platform that characterizes them. These concepts and the platform will be further tested, evaluated, and improved within the EUL project. Better information about the laboratories and their business opportunities is provided to regional development agencies and potential new customers from academia and business.
The duration of the project is the year 2021. There are 13 partners in the project consortium.
Closing Webinar | 27th Jan 2022
Learn more about EUL project results, underground laboratories and many more.European Underground Laboratories Association - EUL
Learn more about the web-based-tool and the European Underground Laboratories Association continuing the work of BSUIN.Project activity reports
Learn more about BSUIN project resultsLessons Learnt: Actions towards the more sustainable Baltic Sea region
Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN) project partners worked together to achieve the main targets of the project. At the same time we all gave our input to the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 goal to support a more sustainable Baltic Sea region. Sustainable development was addressed in many project activities. We wanted to find […]
Successful project leads to permanent outcomes
The Interreg Baltic Sea Region funded project (2017-2020) Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN) succeeded to achieve the main targets and provided a great learning experience to the consortium, its associative members and other stakeholders. The aim of the project was to make the underground laboratories in the Baltic Sea region more accessible for innovation, […]
vEGU21: watch out for involving vPICO sessions and Townhall meeting organized by EUL
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