BIG DATA and global underground laboratories
In the EUL project, we develop better customer management and marketing processes for the partner laboratories and enhance the discovery and usability of the created online platform.
Using the BIG DATA approach, we have gathered publication metadata from 8500 articles found through Web of Science (WoS). We used names (English, original, alternative, native) of more than 90 underground laboratories found through online searches and publications as a search parameter. With the help of publication metadata analysis, we have discovered the research categories (according to WoS categorisation), partner research or industrial partners and, based on the temporal development of publications, the development of activities within each underground laboratory or research facility. Additionally, information for marketing purposes has been collected.
The fields related to physics (elementary, particle and nuclear), geosciences and engineering are highlighted within the research categories. However, fields like architecture, biology, medicine, robotics agriculture are also emerging in recent years. Additiontion to the fields, we analyse the extent of operations (local – national -international) using geographic information systems (GIS).