Active discussion, active collaboration
-Based on the status report of all the work packages, we can say that the collaboration among the consortium members is lively, Chairman of the Steering Committee of Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN) project Ville Isoherranen says. The Meeting took place in Freiberg, Germany on 7.3.2018.
-Some activities are ahead of time, and some need more time than we thought during the planning phase, project leader Panu Jalas explains.
-There is a lot of data to be collected about the Underground laboratories to understand the future possibilities, Jalas continues.
One of the main topics the Steering Committee gave guidance was the communication plan that includes outreach activities.
– Communication among the partnership is important to build trust between the consortium members. It helps to achieve the target of the project. Communication with associated partners and other target groups is an essential part of all activities, project manager Eija-Riitta Niinikoski tells.
-We were reminded how important it is to tell about what we do through different channels. The communication team is going to clarify roles and tasks to have a living schedule for different communication actions, Niinikoski summaries.
The Steering Committee will have its next meeting in June in Sweden.