Empowering Underground Laboratories Network Usage

Interreg Baltic Sea Region co-funded project Empowering Underground Laboratories network usage (EUL) continues the work done during the Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN) project.
Underground laboratories in the Baltic Sea region are not utilized to their full potential even though world-leading research organizations and industrial companies are nearby. In order to use the available underground space better, the BSUIN project has developed service concepts for the underground laboratories and an open-access platform that characterizes them. These concepts and the platform will be further tested, evaluated, and improved within the EUL project. Better information about the laboratories and their business opportunities is provided to regional development agencies and potential new customers from academia and business.
The duration of the project is the year 2021. There are 13 partners in the project consortium.
Closing Webinar | 27th Jan 2022
Learn more about EUL project results, underground laboratories and many more.European Underground Laboratories Association - EUL
Learn more about the web-based-tool and the European Underground Laboratories Association continuing the work of BSUIN.Project activity reports
Learn more about BSUIN project resultsService Design workshops continue with high expectations
In the spring 2018 the exploration workshops were successfully held with each Underground Laboratory (UL) and the existing business models of the ULs were described. The conclusions and a summary of the process were presented in June in Äspö, followed by vivid discussion. The results of the exploration stage will also be presented in ECO-TECH […]
BSUIN presented posters in Arkhyz, Russia
Marcin Kasztelan and Karol Jędrzejczak presented posters about the BSUIN project during international conference “The multi-messenger astronomy: gamma-ray bursts, search for electromagnetic counterparts to neutrino events and gravitational waves”. Posters were also presented during short oral presentations. The conference took place in Russia, in North Caucasus, Karachai-Cherkessian Republic in October, 7.-14.10.2018. The theme of the conference […]
Taurimas Valys: our ambition is to boost Baltic Sea Region into another economic level
Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN) project involves 14 partners, 17 associated organizations, 6 underground labs and many people who share their expertise of different fields in order to reach the aim of this project – to make the underground laboratories in the Baltic Sea region more accessible for innovation, business development and science. We […]